
4 Types Of Wayfinding Signs

March 17, 2025

Visitors to a business depend on signage to navigate the space effectively, making wayfinding signs essential for creating a seamless guest experience. There are four main types of wayfinding signs that help guide visitors: identification, directional, informational, and regulatory. This guide offers a closer look at these crucial signs and what businesses should know about them.

How Your Indoor Signs Improve the Customer Experience

February 12, 2025

Businesses often focus on the design and placement of their exterior signs, recognizing them as critical to creating strong first impressions. However, indoor signage is equally important. In fact, enhancing indoor business signs can significantly elevate the customer experience.

Once customers step inside the office building or retail storefront, they are greeted by various indoor signs. These indoor business signs have the potential to make powerful impacts—if they are well-maintained and kept up to date. The right signs foster a positive relationship with customers and more.

Signage Design Trends for 2025 to Make Your Business Stand Out

January 22, 2025

Business signs bombard society from every direction, vying for customer attention. Companies that aim to stand out must captivate their audiences. Implementing innovative strategies promotes brand visibility and turns heads. Here are sign design trends for 2025 to help businesses shine.

How to Protect Your Vehicle Wrap During the Winter

December 21, 2024

Winter weather can be harsh on vehicle wraps. But a well-installed wrap withstands the dip in temperatures and other severe winter conditions. Nevertheless, car owners should take steps to protect their vehicle wrap during the winter season. The following are five practical tips to protect vehicle wraps from winter weather.

Monument Signs or Pylon Signs: Which One Fits Your Business Needs?

November 12, 2024

Companies planning to invest in new business signs may be exploring monument and pylon signs. Each of these types of signs offers features that elevate the business’s visibility. Settling on the right sign requires knowing which one best meets current business needs.

Monument signs and pylon signs are similar in that they attract the attention of passersby, consumers, and potential visitors. However, the key difference between these two signs is height. The height of a business sign impacts its visibility by the intended audience.

What Font is Best for Safety Signs?

October 22, 2024

Safety signs are visual cues that warn customers of potential hazards and help improve general safety. Due to their critical role in promoting customer safety, these signs should be clear and legible. A few font styles are best suited for achieving this important goal.

How Long Does a Vehicle Wrap Last?

October 3, 2024

Pulling onto the road with a stunning, brand-new vehicle wrap can feel like driving a new car hot off the lot. But like paint, vehicle wraps are limited by their lifespan. When well-maintained, a vehicle wrap can last up to five years, but several factors affect their longevity. Learn more...


September 26, 2024

Invest in Weatherproof Signage

Proper outdoor sign maintenance starts from the very beginning … with choosing signage materials that will last. Weather proof signage stands up to sun damage, rain, sleet, snow, as well as wear and tear from daily use.

Be prepared for winter with these signage tips.

Where are the Best Places to Put Business Signs?

November 12, 2024

Business signage is a key component in attracting customers. A well-designed business sign is just one piece of a marketing plan. The second piece is equally critical: the location of the sign. Here is a definitive guide to placing business signs so that customers are exposed to the brand.

Eye-catching business signs draw attention from customers, who in turn are potential sources of revenue. The attention generated from well-placed signs can also bring in new customers. Deciding where to place business signs should be an important part of a well-thought-out marketing strategy.

Best Types of Signage for Park Districts

July 18, 2024

The natural spaces, scenic areas, and protected parts are integral to any park district. Communities enjoy the many quality programs that make learning accessible. Residents also participate in recreational opportunities that enhance their lifestyle. Park districts, therefore, are essential to the quality of life within a community.

Park districts provide recreation and leisure services to the community via community centers, fitness centers, golf courses, aquatic centers, and numerous natural park areas. Appropriate signage attracts park visitors and helps residents find their way easily through the park district.

Park districts make neighborhoods special places to live. With ample open spaces and opportunities for recreation, they are an important part of the community. Visitors to the parks find their way to the trails and other areas by following signs, making signage throughout parks and buildings important. Here are the best types of signage for park districts.