Tradeshow Season is Here!

Although we may not want to admit it, winter is here. And although winter does not bring the nicest weather, it does mean the beginning of trade show season! Trade shows are incredible opportunities to meet new vendors and suppliers, along with getting your name out to potential customers. At Divine Signs, we specialize in helping our customers with the first step of a trade show booth; attracting the attention of potential customers.
Let’s face it. Almost everyone has some type of signage at their tradeshow booth. But not everyone has a trade show booth that garners attention, and brings people in. By following these quick tips, you can turn a bland 10’ x 10’ booth, into a vibrant sales station.
- Be Bright! Bright and Vibrant colors can set you apart from the standard trade show booth. Most companies have great colors, but hesitate to use them for fear of being “too loud”. Using eye catching colors that complement each other, is a great way to set your booth apart. As can be seen in the photo above, we were able to use bright orange, paired with a dark blue, that makes our trade show booth POP! It is not uncommon for people to stop at our booth and comment, “Wow, the colors on this look great!”. Turn up the brightness with your trade show booth!
- Develop a Theme! Developing a clear branding theme is something that is commonly overlooked when developing a trade show booth. Find a clear, concise, eye catching theme, that carries across to all your trade show display items. Imagine your trade show booth as an outfit. Everything should match, and look well put together. A booth that has a clear theme, will garner more attention than one that looks pieced together. Colors, design elements, and logos should all coordinate!
- Keep it Simple! Your trade show booth should never be “text heavy”. Although it may be tempting to jam as much information into your displays as possible, you want to avoid overloading someone walking by. When people are looking at your booth, they are looking for quick snapshots of what you do. If they look at your booth and see paragraphs of text, they are more likely to walk away. People are lazy! Make it easy on them!
Need a new partner for this trade show season? Call your friends at Divine Signs! Our talented staff can help you from beginning to end. Don’t be run of the mill this trade show season! Stand out with a trade show booth by Divine!