Winter is Coming...

Winter is Coming...
The beginning of fall is a wonderful time of year. The sweltering heat transitions to more comfortable temperatures, our favorite sports are back in action, and trips to the pumpkin farms and apple orchards are in full swing! Although we love the fall and everything that it brings, Game of Thrones said it best; “Winter is Coming”.
When temperatures start to drop in the Midwest, there are certain limitations the cold weather brings in regards to your signage projects. As soon as temps drop below the 50 degree mark, exterior graphics such as window graphics, and exterior wall wraps, are no longer viable options.
When graphics are installed, the vinyl requires a certain temperature for the adhesive to bond properly and adhere to the surface for the length of time that it should. When vinyl is installed in cold temperatures is not uncommon to see them stick at first, and begin to peel and curl MUCH sooner then they normally would.
Winter also makes the installation of ground signs much more arduous. When the ground begins to harden and freeze, it is much more difficult to pound posts and dig holes.
So here is a quick list of items to take care of prior to November 1st:
- Storefront/Retail Window Graphics
- Any signage that requires a hole to be dug, or posts to be pounded
- Parking Lot Signs, Monument Signs, Post & Panel Signs, etc.
- Exterior Wall Graphics or Wraps
BUT IT IS NOT TOO LATE! We still have another month or so to complete those last minute projects you were hoping to get done over the summer. CALL NOW! Before you know it, winter will be upon us!!!